Friday, July 22, 2011

Fitch to put Greece into 'restricted' default

July 22, 2011

Fitch has become the first ratings agency to confirm that it will put Greece into default as part of the €109bn rescue deal agreed on Thursday night.

Although Fitch welcomed the agreement that was unveiled in Brussels, it has also decided to assign Greece a "restricted default" rating. The decision is based on the fact that private sector investors will contribute up to €50bn by rolling debt over or writing some off altogether.

"Fitch considers the nature of private sector involvement in a new financial programme of support for Greece to constitute a restricted default event," said David Riley, head of sovereign ratings at Fitch. "However, the reduction in interest rates and extension of maturities potentially offers Greece a window of opportunity to regain solvency, despite the formidable challenges that it faces."


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