Monday, June 27, 2011

Rebels urged to back Greek austerity deal

Financial Times
June 27, 2011

Greece’s finance minister has urged dissident deputies in the governing socialist party to back a new four-year austerity package and prevent the country from defaulting on its sovereign debt.

Evangelos Venizelos held last-minute meetings with three deputies who have threatened to vote against the €28bn ($40bn) package agreed with Greece’s international lenders in return for a second bail-out loan.

Mr Venizelos’s appeal for solidarity came hours before a parliamentary debate on the package was set to open on Monday evening, with a roll-call vote to be held on Wednesday afternoon.

A separate vote is due to be held on Thursday to approve enabling legislation to accelerate reforms and set up an independent privatisation agency to handle more than 20 disposals by the end of the year.


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