Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tapped by a Rival, Greece’s New Finance Minister Faces Daunting Task

New York Times
June 22, 2011

The man Greek prime minister George A. Papandreou tapped last week to be his new finance chief was not his first choice. Indeed, as a political archrival, he may well have been his last.

But more than any other Greek politician, including perhaps the prime minister himself, Evangelos Venizelos is a Socialist party heavyweight who now stands responsible for convincing Greece, Europe and skittish investors the world over that Athens is capable of reforming the Greek economy and making good on its financial obligations.

With no growth to speak of and a government debt burden equal to 150 percent of its annual economic activity — one of the highest in the world — such a task may well be too much for any one person, regardless of his political skills.


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