Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another viewer’s guide to the Greek crisis

Financial Times
June 16, 2011

Just as one Greek crisis appears to be dissipating, another one flares up that risks pushing Athens into default in a matter of weeks. For those struggling to follow along, here’s another one of our quick primers – and a guide for what to watch for in the coming days.

For much of the last month, officials have been fretting that unless they can piece together a new €120bn bail-out for Greece by next week, Athens would run out of money. The first default by an advanced economy in 60 years would ensue, potentially wreaking havoc across the eurozone.

The reason behind the fear was a complicated domino effect that started with the International Monetary Fund: the IMF was going to withhold its €3.3bn in aid due this month unless the European Union could ensure Greece could pay its bills for another year. Greece, however, is going to be unable to pay its bills next year without a new bail-out.

The second domino came in Germany: The new bail-out was being held up by German insistence that private holders of Greek bonds feel some pain in the new bail-out by “voluntarily” swapping their current holdings for new bonds that wouldn’t be repaid for another seven years.


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