Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Greek Leader to Seek Vote of Confidence

Wall Street Journal
June 15, 2011

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, facing mounting opposition to his plans for further austerity measures being demanded as a price for a new bailout needed to avoid a debt default, said Wednesday he would shuffle his cabinet and demand a vote of confidence in Parliament.

The vote is likely to herald a further bout of intense uncertainty in financial markets already rattled by the disagreements over a new rescue package. Mr. Papandreou's Socialist party has a majority of just four in parliament, following defections by two Socialist deputies in recent days. The shuffle is likely to claim the head of Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou, the architect of the unpopular measures.

After a day of sometimes-violent street protests in the capital and a strike by two major unions that crippled public services, Mr. Papandreou said in a televised address that his efforts to create a government of national unity with opposition parties had been rebuffed.

"Before we even went into substantial talks, the opposition brought up conditions that can't be accepted," Mr. Papandreou said in his address. "I will continue on the same path. Tomorrow I will form a new government and seek a vote of confidence from parliament."


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