Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Greek unions stage mass strike

Financial Times
June 28, 2011

Greece’s communist-led trade union on Tuesday kicked off two days of anti-austerity strikes and protests in central Athens as parliament debated a controversial four-year economic package agreed with international lenders to prevent the country from defaulting on its sovereign debt.

Evangelos Venizelos, finance minister, told parliament on Monday that another €600m of revenue increases and spending cuts would be achieved this year, but he gave no details.

The 48-hour walk-out by public sector workers shut down state-owned banks and government offices, city transport services and most ferry services to the Aegean islands.

Air traffic controllers staged two four-hour stoppages, delaying dozens of flights in and out of Athens airport, the capital’s only international gateway.

Several thousand members of the Pame union marched through the city centre before gathering outside the parliament building shouting: “Down with the plutocracy”.


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