Thursday, June 16, 2011

The pain of Greece's crisis

June 15, 2011

Once again, Greeks are protesting new austerity measures being forced upon them by their European neighbors in exchange for relief from a debt crisis. The streets of Athens are rife with rioters throwing fire bombs and clashing with armored police.

These scenes of violent turmoil beg the question: Just why are they rioting, anyway?

Last year, when protesters firebombed a bank in Athens and killed three workers, the chief source of their rage was the austerity provisions imposed for the debt crisis bailout.

Those provisions, according to Standard & Poor's analyst Marko Mrsnik, led to Greece's economic malaise: an ongoing recession and rising unemployment. Mrsnik said the Greek unemployment rate is currently at 16.2%, significantly above its March 2010 rate of 11.6%.

Austerity measures implemented to combat the debt crisis last year included pension cuts; a sales tax boost; excise taxes on fuel, cigarettes, alcohol and luxury goods; tougher eligibility for disability benefits; and a hike in the retirement age to 65 from as low as 61.


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