Thursday, June 16, 2011

Papandreou delays naming new cabinet

Financial Times
June 16, 2011

Greece’s prime minister has delayed announcing a planned cabinet reshuffle to tackle the country’s debt crisis while he fends off criticism from dissatisfied deputies at a hastily convened meeting of his ruling socialist party.

George Papandreou was summoned to an emergency meeting of the parliamentary group of his Panhellenic Socialist Movement, called on Thursday by Vasso Papandreou, a former finance minister and European commissioner. A critic of the government’s harsh austerity policies, she is not related to the prime minister.

The premier was to be asked to explain why he failed to consult with fellow-socialists before asking the conservative opposition leader to support him in forming a national unity government, a senior deputy said.

George Papandreou abandoned plans to form a national unity government to accelerate structural reforms following riots in front of the Greek parliament and criticism from his governing socialist party.


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