Saturday, November 5, 2011

Anger and Humiliation on Streets of Athens

Wall Street Journal
November 5, 2011

Greeks are fuming at the antics of their political leaders, and few hold much hope that the promised national-unity government will haul the country out of its economic misery anytime soon.

On the streets of the Greek capital on Friday, people were venting their rage at members of the country's 300-seat Parliament, as a debate continued inside the central Athens building on a vote of confidence in the government.

"There is complete chaos. These [politicians] don't know what they are doing. They are just reacting to being slapped around in Europe," says Costas Ioannou, a 38-year-old bank employee.

A cross-party government that overcomes the squabbling between Greece's ruling Socialists and opposition conservatives could be a good thing if politicians make a serious stab at bipartisanship, says Mr. Ioannou. "But I doubt whether they have this maturity," he said.


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