Saturday, November 5, 2011

Greece Opposition Rejects Call for Bipartisan Coalition

Wall Street Journal
November 5, 2011

Antonis Samaras, head of Greece's main opposition New Democracy party, Saturday renewed his call for early elections and rejected efforts the country's embattled Socialist government to form a bipartisan coalition government.

Mr. Samaras's remarks come after Prime Minister George Papandreou briefed Greek President Karolos Papoulias earlier in the day of his intentions for a cross-party government that would implement a €130 billion ($179 billion) aid package agreed to by European leaders late last month.

"I will do whatever I can to help form a coalition government," Mr. Papandreou said in remarks that were televised nationally. "The Oct. 26 decisions and obligations stemming from this are a condition for the country remaining in the euro."


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