Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greece's Government Teeters

Wall Street Journal
November 3, 2011

Greece's government appeared to take steps to abandon a much-debated referendum as Prime Minister George Papandreou, fighting to stem an escalating political crisis, told his cabinet that he would drop plans for the vote if new talks with a leading opposition party secured support to push through harsh fiscal cuts required for further financial aid.

Separately, the country's finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos said his country will inform its European partners it plans to drop the referendum.

Mr. Papandreou told his ministers that he will approach Antonis Samaras, the head of the center-right New Democracy party, to decide the next steps towards a broader consensus, according to his office. He said that if common cause could be formed with the opposition party there would be no need for a referendum on terms of Greece's new bailout deal.


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