Friday, November 4, 2011

Greek opposition leader's U-turn opens path to power

November 4, 2011

Greece's crisis may catapult opposition leader Antonis Samaras into the nation's leadership after a 30-year climb to the top marked by one fall from grace, at least two political U-turns and much fiery oratory.

Samaras, head of the New Democracy party he once vowed never to lead, has opened the way to a possible bid for power by dropping his opposition to Greece's latest financial bailout -- in return for early elections which opinion polls indicate he could win, albeit without a majority.

The Harvard-educated economist, once a college roommate of Prime Minister George Papandreou, has long been known for his refusal to budge on major issues, along with his sometimes theatrical speeches.

Twice he voted against earlier EU/IMF bailouts as Greece ran into deep financial trouble, defying pressure from European leaders worried a Greek default could wreck the euro zone.

But on Thursday, the 60-year-old executed a volte-face by announcing his conservative party would vote for the latest 130 billion euro lifeline for Greece on one condition.

Samaras demanded his socialist rival make way for a short-lived government of national unity with the sole purpose of forcing the bailout through parliament, securing the latest sixth installment of international aid, and then calling the snap election which offers his opportunity to take power.

"Papandreou has put the country in the center of a global storm ... a government in such a state of panic is dangerous and must leave as soon as possible," Samaras said during a parliamentary debate on Thursday.


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