Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Not Give the Greeks Their Say?

by Floyd Noriss

New York Times

November 3, 2011

The fundamental nature of European governance is about to change.

Either a large part of the Continent will move much closer to a federal government, with common fiscal policies and a substantial loss of sovereignty for many nations, or it will spin apart, with possibly severe economic and financial consequences.

That has been clear for months, and markets have alternately soared and plunged as it appeared Europe was closer to or farther from reaching the first alternative.

This week, it appeared that the prospect that scared European leaders the most was the specter of democracy. When the Greek prime minister, George A. Papandreou, proposed a referendum on whether Greece would go along with the agreement reached at the European summit meeting last week — one that calls for more austerity and that polls say is unpopular with most Greeks — much of Europe reacted with shock and alarm. How dare he do that?


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