Tuesday, July 7, 2015

European Commission and France move to keep Greece in eurozone

Financial Times
July 7, 2015

France and the president of European Commission vowed to make a push to keep Greece in the eurozone at a hastily convened summit in Brussels on Tuesday.

Athens is being given a final chance to present a new reform plan to eurozone leaders despite a hardening attitude to Greece in many capitals after the emphatic rejection of previous bailout terms in Sunday’s referendum.

Jean-Claude Juncker, commission president, said: “Throwing Greece out of the monetary union — or indeed the EU — is not something that we want, or should want.

“And as that is the case the European Commission will continue to work towards a reopening of negotiations with Greece,” he told the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

“We have to put our little egos, and in my case very large ego, away and we have to deal with the situation we face.”

Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his new finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, are travelling to Brussels to meet eurozone leaders.


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