Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Austerity sparks riots in Athens

CNN Money
June 28, 2011

Protests turned violent Tuesday in Greece as police fired tear gas in Athens to disperse stone-throwing demonstrators who had taken to the streets to voice their objection to austerity measures.

Lawmakers are set to vote Wednesday on a tough five-year package of tax increases and spending cuts that is necessary for the debt-laden country to secure another bailout.

Police in riot gear had set up barricades outside the Greek Parliament. A 48-hour general strike kicked off in the early morning hours, hobbling most of Greece's transportation systems but freeing up workers to participate in demonstrations.

Protests turned violent and CNN reporters at the scene said they witnessed police firing tear gas canisters into the crowds as protesters threw rocks and stones at security forces.

Greece must pass the austerity measures if it is to win the last $17 billion portion of a $156 billion bailout package from other European nations that was granted in 2010.


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