Monday, June 27, 2011

Financial Contagion Stalks Europe

by Richard Barley

Wall Street Journal

June 27, 2011

With no good options, Europe's policy makers are caught between Scylla and Charybdis. They are determined to avoid a Greek default to head off financial contagion. But while they may not manage to prevent ratings firms from declaring their voluntary rollover plan a default, they may well avoid triggering sovereign-credit default swaps. That could be a nasty combination.

Like other fallout from the Greek crisis, the risk isn't about Greece, but about the knock-on effect. Despite scares, CDS settlements during the crisis have been smooth. While in Greece's case there are $79.2 billion worth of swaps outstanding, they net down to a manageable $5 billion of payments if CDS are triggered, according to Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. data. But politicians have railed against sovereign CDS as a cause of Europe's woes. They won't want to hand big payouts to those with outright "short" positions. The thinking: If speculators are rewarded for betting against Greece, they may target Spain and Italy. Contagion would ensue.


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