Friday, October 21, 2011

Germany, France Delay Euro Rescue Plan

Wall Street Journal
October 21, 2011

Europe's efforts to deliver a comprehensive plan to resolve the euro-zone debt crisis were in danger of unraveling Thursday as disagreement between Germany and France over virtually every point forced the 27-nation bloc to concede a much-anticipated summit of European Union leaders on Sunday won't produce an agreement.

The leaders of the euro zone's two largest economies are key to any deal on addressing the nearly two-year-old sovereign-debt crisis.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday issued a statement saying no decisions could be made by EU leaders by Sunday and promising to produce a comprehensive plan at a second EU summit to be held by Wednesday at the latest.

As a concerted European response to the crisis seemed as uncertain as ever, Greek workers again took to the streets in protest austerity measures, and international inspectors warned Greece's economy is too weak to sustain its massive debt load.


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