Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chaos in Greece amid battle to form a 'government of national salvation'

November 5, 2011

Politicians in Greece were engaged in frantic negotiations to form a government of "national salvation" on Saturday in a desperate bid to prevent debt-stricken Athens plunging into bankruptcy and possible exit from the EU.

As Europe's leaders looked on nervously, embattled prime minister George Papandreou visited head of state president Karalos Papoulias to ask to form a broad-based transitional administration that could navigate the country out of its worst crisis in modern times following a week of high political drama.

"My aim is to immediately create a government of co-operation. A lack of consensus would worry our European partners over our country's will to stay in the eurozone," declared Papandreou who hours earlier narrowly survived a vote of confidence in parliament. "Consensus is essential for the country," he said, adding that he was not "tied" to his post and was willing to step aside.


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