Saturday, November 5, 2011

Greece to Form a New Government

Wall Street Journal
November 5, 2011

Greece's embattled prime minister survived a no-confidence vote early Saturday but prepared to step down to make way for a multiparty government—easing some of the uncertainty that gripped Europe this week over whether the latest Greek bailout would go ahead.

Greek lawmakers sparred late into the night Friday ahead of the vote of confidence in George Papandreou, the 59-year-old scion of one of Greece's storied political families. Mr. Papandreou won, with all 153 of his fellow Socialists voting in his favor and 145 votes against.

He was expected to offer his resignation in order to form an interim government that would approve Greece's latest international bailout deal and pave the way to elections—a grave task for a debt-laden, depressed economy whose deterioration has undermined investor confidence in euro-zone finances.


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