Friday, November 4, 2011

Greece unity government 'only hope' to bring country back from brink

November 4, 2011

Greece's deepening economic and political crisis was hanging on a confidence vote in the beleaguered government of George Papandreou as the near-bankrupt nation continued to reel from its leader's shock attempt to hold a referendum over the latest package of international aid for the country.

Before the midnight ballot consensus was growing that Papandreou was likely to scrape through the vote following his decision to ditch the plebiscite, after a dressing-down by the French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German chancellor Angela Merkel. He has a parliamentary majority of just two.

However, the prime minister could quit regardless of the outcome. The conservative opposition leader Antonis Samaras has ruled out participating in a transition government if Papandreou is in it. Papandreou, meanwhile, has pledged to quit for the sake of unity.


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