Friday, November 4, 2011

Greek business community eager for government of national unity

November 4, 2011

For Greek industry and commerce, the sooner George Papandreou steps down as premier the better. For the sake of an economy in free fall for the past two years, they would love to see a government of national unity or salvation headed by a non-political figure.

"That would be a very positive outcome," an insider said. "I'm sure that the entire business community would look very positively at the formation of a unity government."

In and out of politics, there is a growing sense of dismay at what Dimitris Daskalopoulos, chairman of the SEV (Federation of Greek Enterprises and Industries), recently described as "the descent into this modern version of hell" – an economy contracting at 5.5% a year and the financial strategy adopted in July way off target while social unrest intensifies.


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