Saturday, November 5, 2011

Greek parties bicker over coalition to save the nation

November 5, 2011

Prime Minister George Papandreou launched his campaign on Saturday for a coalition to save Greece from bankruptcy, but rival parties showed little willingness to cooperate in tackling the nation's economic, political and social crisis.

Papandreou said negotiations would start soon to form a broad-based government, tasked with ensuring parliament backs a euro zone bailout vital to keeping Greece afloat and preventing its crisis from bringing down much bigger economies.

But a government source said Papandreou's deputy, Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, was already negotiating behind the scenes to win support from smaller parties for a government that Venizelos himself wants to lead.

"Venizelos is having contacts with party leaders to secure their agreement," said a government official who requested anonymity.

Greece's two top political forces -- the ruling socialist PASOK party and conservative opposition New Democracy -- showed little appetite for working together to tackle a crisis which has driven Greece deep into recession, sent unemployment soaring and living standards tumbling.


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