Friday, November 4, 2011

Referendum as Ragnarok: How Greece's Prime Minister Undid Himself

by Joanna Kakissis


November 4, 2011

For once, the drama didn't unfold during the raucous antiausterity protests on the streets outside Parliament. On Wednesday, the drama inside the Greek Parliament was so charged that it kept Greeks glued to the news, anxious that, by day's end, they wouldn't have a leader, a bailout plan or even a currency.

Prime Minister George Papandreou is still running the country, but his days — his hours even — could be numbered. He faces a crucial confidence vote in Parliament on Friday, and it's not clear whether he has the votes to survive it.

During a debate Wednesday on the confidence vote, he also told lawmakers that he was open to all options, including leaving his post as Prime Minister to help build a coalition government and pave the way for snap elections. "I never excluded any topic from the discussion, not even my own position," Papandreou said.


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