Saturday, November 5, 2011

Talks for new Greek government to begin

Financial Times
November 5, 2011

Even though George Papandreou has survived a vote of confidence, his future as Greek prime minister seems likely to be shortlived.

Mr Papandreou said late Friday that he would lead negotiations to form a coalition government that would approve the €130bn international bail-out agreed at last week’s European Union summit and take the crisis-hit country to elections early in 2012.

He was due to meet with President Carolos Papoulias on Saturday morning to receive a mandate to form the new government, which analysts said could be in place within 10 days.

Mr Papandreou made clear in his speech to parliament that he was prepared to hand over the premiership of the interim government to another socialist politician, most probably Evangelos Venizelos, the deputy prime minister and finance minister.

“A crisis needs a flexible approach … but we don’t want to be rushed into elections,” Mr Papandreou said. “I don’t care if I’m not re-elected. I’m not wedded to my chair.”


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