Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Too soon to judge impact of Greek package: S&P exec

June 27, 2011

It is too soon to judge the ratings impact of a debt relief package involving the private sector being put together for Greece, a senior official at the Standard & Poor's rating agency told Austrian television.

"I can tell you only that we cannot give a judgment on something we have not even seen," Moritz Kraemer, S&P's head of European sovereign ratings, said in an interview on Monday.

Asked if he could imagine a solution in which private creditors voluntarily contribute to a Greek rescue package and S&P would not downgrade its credit rating for the country, he said:

"It is conceivable depending on the situation. That is why I say that it is not possible at all to draw a final conclusion on this in the current situation."

He stressed that S&P had not commented on whether a private-sector contribution to Greece's debt package could trigger a default "because we simply don't have the details."


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