Friday, October 21, 2011

China joins calls for Europe to act

Financial Times
October 21, 2011

International concern that Europe will be unable to produce a credible solution to its debt crisis heightened on Friday, with China’s premier exhorting the region’s leaders to act quickly just hours after the US president made a similar plea on a teleconference with his French and German counterparts.

In an unusual public rebuke, Wen Jiabao told Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, that Europe’s leaders should “turn their political will” towards stabilising the euro and winning back market confidence, according to China’s official Xinhua news service.

“The most urgent task is to take decisive measures to prevent the debt crisis from spreading further and avoid financial market turbulence, a recession and fluctuations in the euro,” Mr Wen was quoted as telling Mr Van Rompuy, who was forced to cancel a summit in Beijing next week because of the crisis.


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