Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Demolition Lady Strikes Again

by Roland Nelles


October 27, 2011

With Thursday's decisions in Brussels, Europe has made good progress towards saving the euro. This is in large part due to the work of the German chancellor. Angela Merkel's approach -- to decelerate rather than succumb to panic -- is starting to pay off.

If it's true that maintaining power is a politician's ultimate goal, then Angela Merkel came a good step closer to fulfiling that aim last night. The deal in Brussels was first and foremost a success for the German chancellor. She managed to get her way on a number of key issues and, with a little luck, Europe may now be on the right path towards overcoming the debt crisis.

Things could still go wrong, of course. The bailout process is far from complete. But for the first time now there is some clarity amid Greece's debt chaos. Merkel would appear to have learned in recent months. She has transformed herself from a leader merely reacting to events into one who now designs steps to control those events. She has also built up trust, which could ultimately pay out in the form of votes.


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