Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Greece in talks to repay debts with solar power

October 25, 2011

EU's energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger, the director general for energy Philip Lowe, and the head of the EU's Athens task force Horst Reichenbach have discussed the idea of enabling Greece to repay some of its debts to EU member states, such as Germany, by providing them with solar energy.

EurActiv has learned that the EU's energy directorate general has been asked to investigate the idea's potential, which is so far hampered by a lack of enthusiasm from EU nations.

"Several German companies have expressed interest in the idea but it would clearly be more interesting if several member states were involved," a senior source told EurActiv.

Marlene Holzner, a spokesperson for the energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger, confirmed that talks were ongoing.

"There is a task force in the European Commission where we have energy experts looking into the question of how energy could help Greece to grow economically," she told EurActiv. "Solar is one topic, and energy efficiency is another."


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