Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Heard the one about the eurozone, and the haircut?

October 26, 2011

Every dark cloud has its humorous lining and Europe's seemingly non-stop debt and currency crisis is no exception.

From the heavily indebted nations of the euro zone, which seem to be dragging the rest of the continent down with them, to the finance ministers, prime ministers and chancellors trying to steer the ships of state safely clear of the debt iceberg, no one escapes the humorists' barbs.

"Why did Greece fail to get the latest installment of EU/IMF aid?" goes one of the riddles making the rounds, many of which finger Greece as the most catastrophic of the euro-debt basket cases.

"Because no one in Greece works long enough to complete the application form."

"A Greek, an Irishman and a Portuguese go into a bar and order a drink. Who picks up the bill? A German."

And from the website of the German newspaper Deutsche Welle:

"There's a joke doing the rounds in Bratislava -- 'For 400 euros you can adopt a Greek. He'll stay at your place, sleep late, drink coffee, have lunch and then take a nap, so you can go to work.'"


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