Friday, October 21, 2011

If it wasn’t so serious

October 21, 2011

There is only so much fun to be had from a sovereign-debt crisis that has the potential to bring down banks and derail the global economy. But as European politicians apparently prepare to disappoint the markets again, let’s remember that they can sometimes lighten the mood:

• Nicolas Sarkozy, responding to demands for swift and decisive action after yet another emergency meeting with Angela Merkel: “By the end of the month, we will have responded to the crisis issue.”

• From a Bloomberg article earlier this month: “Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Undersecretary Carlo Giovanardi said the government will study if it’s feasible to conduct drug tests on stock-exchange traders, with the help of the Milan Bourse and the country’s market regulator. Giovanardi, who is in charge of family policy and drug prevention, said that the abuse of drugs including cocaine might explain part of recent stock volatility.”


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