Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nazi jokes, wrath at Germans highlight Greek despair

October 26, 2011

The dark shadow of German-driven austerity measures squeezing Greece has revived historical enmities and evoked comparisons to the massive destruction of the Mediterranean country at the hands of Nazi Germany over 65 years ago.

Cartoons have sprung up depicting the European Union's "troika" as ferocious soldiers in World War Two German uniforms, and some Greeks are beginning to resent the German tourists flocking their ancient sites.

The staff cartoonist for the liberal daily Eleftherotypia has drawn dozens of such cartoons in recent months, often showing Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos giving the Nazi salute "Sieg Heil" (Hail Victory) to a soldier.

"I used the German uniforms symbolically," cartoonist Stathis Stavropoulos told Reuters through an interpreter.

"They show that what Germany did not manage with weapons during World War Two, it is now trying to do through economic means," he said.


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