Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do we need Referenda on EU Membership

Debating Europe
October 19, 2011

Last Thursday 13th October Debating Europe, a platform for discussion supported by the European Parliament, brought together British Conservative MP Bill Cash and former Irish Prime Minister John Bruton to a live debate to discuss the future of the Eurozone and the possible effects of its failure. It was a fascinating debate, where the two participants, holding almost polar opposite views, dicussed, among others, the idea of a referedum on EU membership.

Bill Cash is a British Conservative MP and Secretary of the European Reform Forum. Under Prime Minister John Major, he was ringleader of a rebellion over the Maastricht treaty that almost brought down the government.

John Bruton was Irish Taoiseach from 1994 to 1997. He also served as EU Ambassador to the US from 2004–2009, and is a former Vice-President of the European People’s Party (EPP).


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