Thursday, October 20, 2011

Protesters Gather in Athens on Second Day of Strike

New York Times
October 20, 2011

As police braced for new violence, Greek protesters headed again for Athens’ central Syntagma Square on Thursday to protest austerity measures sought by the government to qualify for international rescue funds.

By now, the protests almost feel like a ritual: a strike and large demonstration disrupted by skirmishes and tear gas as Parliamentary votes on new austerity measures to earn the next installment of aid the country needs to fend off default.

On Wednesday evening, as garbage fires smoldered in the streets, the Greek Parliament approved the new package of austerity measures — and secured crucial rescue financing — with all 154 governing party legislators in Greece’s 300-seat Parliament voting in favor.

Protesters said they planned to surround Parliament on Thursday to prevent lawmakers from entering to cast ballots for a second vote, this one on the separate articles of the legislation. The measures, which will not become law until the second vote, are expected to pass, even over the reluctance of the governing Socialist Party, which helped build up the welfare state it is now charged with dismantling. The ballot is all the more important as Greece awaits two critical developments beyond its borders.


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