Friday, July 22, 2011

Merkel stays calm in the eye of Greece storm

Financial Times
July 22, 2011

For someone who had just finished 16 hours of intensive talks on a rescue package for Greece and the eurozone, and got to bed at two in the morning after her plane broke down at Brussels airport, Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel seems to find little to faze her.

On Friday she was back in the limelight before the massed ranks of the Berlin press corps, defending her multi-billion euro deal with the other 16 European countries in the eurozone, explaining the complex details of how private bondholders would contribute their share, and joking about her perceived lack of passion for the future of the European Union.

“Oh yes, passion,” she said, in her utterly practical way. “If I had as much passion for everything else as I do for Europe, I could fill up 48 hours in a day.”

“I have been a passionate European for many years. I have a very clear idea of what Europe should do and must do.”


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