Thursday, July 14, 2011

Euro zone makes fresh bid to tackle Greek crisis

July 14, 2011

Euro zone countries continued to grapple with the thorny issue of involving the private sector in tackling Greece's debt pile as they prepared for a meeting to decide support for the country next week.

"The principle of having a euro chiefs' meeting is accepted by the main players, including Germany," said one EU diplomat, adding that it was likely to happen next week despite earlier signals from Berlin that there was no rush to finalize a second package of aid.

First, however, countries have to agree how to involve private sector investors in tackling Greece's debt burden, a key demand of Germany before it signs off more support for Athens and a step the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday must be taken.

"Comprehensive private sector involvement is appropriate, given the scale of financing needs and the desirability of burden sharing," the IMF said in its latest review of the debt-choked country.

"Greece's debt service capacity may also need to be bolstered by combining appropriate PSI and official support," IMF officials wrote, referring to private-sector involvement.


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