Monday, May 30, 2011

Greek Opposition Sets Demands as EU/IMF Verdict Nears

May 30, 2011

Greece's conservative opposition demanded tax cuts on Monday as the price for a consensus deal with the Socialist government on imposing yet more austerity, a major condition for getting further aid from the EU and IMF.

Conservative leader Antonis Samaras called for a flat 15 percent corporate tax and rejected government plans for hiking taxes to tackle Greece's budget deficit and please fiscal inspectors mulling the next, key tranche of a 110 billion euro bailout.

"You want to raise taxes and reach consensus with us, who have set reducing taxes as a priority? Don't even think about it," Samaras said in remarks addressed to the government.

"Lower tax rates are the key to starting the engine of the Greek economy," he told members of parliament from his New Democracy party. "If you raise taxes, there will be no room for consensus or for renegotiation."


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