Monday, May 16, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrest can't distract EU from Greece

Christian Science Monitor
May 16, 2011

As finance ministers arrive in Brussels this week for talks on the Greek debt crisis, the chatter will all be about Dominique Strauss-Khan and his arrest in New York on charges of sexual assault and attempted rape of a hotel maid in New York. But that doesn't mean there's not still hard work to do about Greece and its debt.

The IMF boss's lawyer says Strauss-Khan will plead not guilty, but the arrest could not have come at a worse time for the euro zone debt crisis as we approach crunch time on the question of what to do about Greece’s debt woes.

Strauss-Khan has been a key player in attempts to solve the debt crisis. With the exception of Jean-Claude Trichet it could be argued that no French men, including Nicolas Sarkozy, has played a bigger role in the crisis which has seen IMF money handed out to Greece, Ireland and Portugal.


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