Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Greek PM Renews Call for Consensus

Wall Street Journal
May 25, 2011

Prime Minister George Papandreou Wednesday renewed his call for a national consensus to address the country's financial crisis, one day after failing to find common ground with opposition lawmakers over the government's latest austerity measures.

Speaking after a meeting with Greece's president, Mr. Papandreou also reiterated the government's determination to press ahead with its reform program.

"We will implement these decisions, as I have emphasized previously, with the widest possible understanding and consensus, within our party, with the other [political] parties and, of course, the Greek people," Mr. Papandreou told journalists.

He didn't respond to questions over whether the government is considering staging a popular referendum on its austerity program, a proposal made by Greece's biggest business lobby and the subject of media reports Wednesday.


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