Thursday, May 26, 2011

Juncker Says Greek Aid in Peril

Wall Street Journal
May 26, 2011

A top euro-zone policy maker suggested the International Monetary Fund may withhold its payment next month on Greece's €110 billion (about $155 billion) bailout, forcing Europe to scramble to plug the gap.

Luxembourg Premier Jean-Claude Juncker, who heads the conclave of euro-zone finance ministers, suggested Thursday that an important review of the bailout program might conclude that the amounts pledged to Greece aren't enough to carry it through the next 12 months.

If that happens, it could threaten the IMF's participation. The fund's rules, he said, require that a full-year plan be in place before it writes any more checks.

"I don't think that the troika will come to the conclusion that this is certain," said Mr. Juncker, speaking at a conference here and referring to the delegation of European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF officials charged with presenting a report on Greece's progress next week.


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