Saturday, March 12, 2011

Europeans Reach New Deal to Fight Debt Crisis

New York Times
March 11, 2011

European leaders agreed early Saturday to new measures intended to end the euro zone debt crisis, offering the debt-laden Greece a cut in its interest rate and injecting more flexibility into the way a bolstered bailout fund for the euro can be used.

The deal, which went further than had been expected at Friday’s meeting of 17 euro zone leaders, came after a fierce dispute over corporate taxes, pitting France and Germany on one side against Ireland on the other.

Because of the standoff, Ireland, which like Greece has accepted a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, has not been offered a reduction in its interest rate, now about 6 percent.

The early morning agreement came alongside a deal on a pact called for by Germany and France to tighten discipline in the euro zone.


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