Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Greek Jobless Rate Accelerates

Wall Street Journal
March 9, 2011

Greece's unemployment rate continued to accelerate in December, rising to 14.8% compared with 10.2% in December 2009, the statistics service ELLSTAT said Wednesday.

The December rate is also almost a full percentage point higher than the 13.9% rate recorded in November by the revamped national statistics agency.

Greece is struggling through a protracted recession while undertaking a tough three-year austerity and reform program to cut its budget deficit. In 2009, Greece's unemployment rate averaged 9.5%.

The number of people employed also fell further, to 4.23 million in December from 4.30 million a month earlier.

Young people remain hardest hit by Greece's deepening recession, with 39% of those aged between 15 and 24 without a job in December, up from 28.9% a year earlier, the data showed.

Women also continued to see fewer job opportunities than men, with the number of unemployed women at 18.7% in December, compared with 14.8% a year earlier.


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