Saturday, May 21, 2011

France Signals a Shift on Greece

Wall Street Journal
May 21, 2011

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde signaled Paris might support a rescheduling of Greek debt, warning that Greece is at risk of default if it doesn't do more to bring its public finances into order.

The comments mark a shift in France's position in a debate that has pitted Germany and other euro-zone governments against the European Central Bank, which opposes any form of restructuring of Greek debt.

French support for proposals to extend the maturities of Greek debt—a so-called soft restructuring—would leave the ECB isolated in its opposition.

and possibly force it to accept a compromise.

"What we certainly don't want is a state bankruptcy, a default, in Europe," Ms. Lagarde said in an interview published Friday in Austria's Der Standard newspaper. "You can use a lot of words—reprofiling, restructuring, re-this, re-that—but what there won't be is a restructuring of Greek debt." At the same time, she said: "We would accept anything that is based on a voluntary accommodation by banks."

"If the banks decided unilaterally after contacting the Greek authorities to offer a lengthening of the repayment time frame, she wouldn't be against it," Ms. Lagarde's spokesman said.


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