Thursday, May 19, 2011

Most Greeks See Alternatives to EU-IMF Terms, Haircut on Debt

May 19, 2011

More than two thirds of Greeks say there are alternatives to the European Union-led bailout package agreed on last year to exit the country’s economic crisis, a poll from Skai media group and Kathimerini newspaper shows.

Sixty-nine percent of those questioned said the memorandum of terms agreed on for the EU and International Monetary Fund loans isn’t the only way to deal with the crisis, the poll conducted by Public Issue showed. One quarter said it was the only option, down from one third last month, according to the poll. About 62 percent said the bailout deal has hurt the country.

Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government has slashed wages and pensions and raised taxes to bring down the deficit, which reached 15.4 percent of gross domestic product last year. In May 2010 Greece agreed to austerity measures in exchange for a 110 billion-euro ($156.8 billion) bailout from the EU and IMF.

Over half of those polled said a debt restructuring including losses for investors, or a haircut, is the best way to face the debt, with 17 percent saying implementation of the memorandum and repayment of the total debt is the right way and another 17 percent saying Greece should halt payments.


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