Thursday, May 26, 2011

Towards a Greek Treuhandanstalt

by Neil Hume

Financial Times

May 26, 2011

FT Deutschland has an interesting interview with Dutch finance minister Jan Kees de Jager who is spearheading the campaign to have an outside agency run Greece’s privatisation programme.

He tells the paper that Greece should surrender operational control of the programme an external agent, like the Treuhandanstalt, which was in charge of privatising state assets from East Germany when the wall came down.

As our German is a little rusty we have turned to BarCap to provide further insights from the interview:

Mr de Jager agreed that such measures would be difficult to accept for Greek politicians, be it the government or the opposition, but he argued that it was not the time to take into account political sensitivities. He added that political costs would not only have to be shouldered by Athens but also by politicians in creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands. Another important condition for Dutch support would be further involvement of the IMF. In fact, this was a condition sine qua no for the Dutch government.


Read the interview (in German)

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