Saturday, March 12, 2011

Greece wins easier repayment terms on EU bailout loans

March 12, 2011

Barely 24 hours after declaring victory in his battle to win better terms for bailout loans to debt-stricken Greece, prime minister George Papandreou called an urgent cabinet meeting on Sunday amid mounting anger over concessions agreed for the improved conditions.

Despite securing a reduction in interest rates and extension in the repayment period of the €110bn (£95bn) EU and IMF rescue package, Papandreou came under fire at the weekend for accepting to pay too heavy a price at Friday's summit of eurozone leaders.

Under the new pact, Greece will be able to pay back the emergency aid over seven and a half years, up from three and a half, and at 1% less. "These decisions are a clear indication of the appreciation of the effort being made by Greece … and the Greek people," said the socialist leader. "We are €6bn better off."

But the backlash has been swift and sharp. On both the left and right politicians accused Papandreou of caving into German pressure to push ahead with a controversial €50bn privatisation programme including a fire-sale of prime state-owned properties in return.


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