Monday, March 14, 2011

Greek PM calls for consensus on privatisation

Financial Times
March 14, 2011

Greece’s prime minister has appealed for national consensus over a controversial plan to raise €50bn from privatisation sales in order to write down part of the country’s large public debt.

“I’m seeking consensus and constructive opposition from other political parties ... They have to understand the seriousness of our situation,” said George Papandreou, the Socialist prime minister, addressing a televised cabinet meeting on Sunday.

The scheme triggered a nationalist backlash when it was unveiled last month, with both conservative and leftwing parties accusing the government of yielding to pressure from its creditors to “sell the family silver”.

Greece reaffirmed its commitment to completing the privatisations by 2015 in return for an unexpectedly favourable deal on reducing its debt burden at Friday’s emergency European Union summit.


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