Sunday, March 6, 2011

Illegal migrants risk death for right to stay in Greece

March 6, 2011

Doctors have warned that a mass hunger strike of illegal migrants could end in tragedy after dozens of protesters attempting to win legal status in Greece were taken to hospital after five weeks without food.

Three hundred mostly north African migrant workers have refused to eat until the Greek government issues them with residency permits. The stand-off has put the socialist administration of George Papandreou increasingly on the defensive as the hunger strikers vowed to continue their protest into a sixth week.

"For 41 days I have gone without food and since Wednesday noon I have refused water," said Morrocan Elktif Belaid, who walked through the Sahara before hiking and hustling his way into Greece.

"But what to do? Greece has treated us very badly. All we want is what we deserve, official documents and a bit of respect. To be an immigrant is not a crime. It is not forbidden. We will continue our strike until we are vindicated, or die."

Holed up in a mansion on a busy Athens boulevard, Belaid is part of an unfolding drama that has not only gripped Greece but unnerved Europe as it braces for yet another wave of refugees fleeing the turmoil of north Africa and the Middle East.


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