Monday, July 19, 2010

Investors Will Soon Be Stressing Growth Rather Than Euro-Zone's Stress Tests

Wall Street Journal
July 19, 2010

"Europe will certainly overcome its difficulties," says Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, a man who should know a thing or two about how to get a tired old economy moving. "The poor old euro area has hardly got going," says David Owen, Chief European Financial Economist at Jefferies International, a man who has his finger on the pulse of the euro-zone economy.

It's not easy to come up with a definitive view of the state of things in the European economy (or economies, if you prefer a disaggregated view). One reason is that the powers-that-be issue studiedly optimistic reports about the progress being made to cope with the problems unleashed by the discovery that Greece had been economical with the truth in reporting its deficits.


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